News from Hannan
The future of our work in Morocco
From 1 Pre-school to 2
We have now decided to create 2 pre-schools 1 in the village of Assaka and 1 in the village of El Borj
We have begun the process of registering our new charity and are super excited with what we will be planning. We have been in touch with a man who is chairman of a Amazigh (Berber) culture and language charity who is going to help us by bringing Amazigh theatre to our pre-schools and also a Doctor who has promised to bring medical aid to the villages.
TREK Of course bringing our teams to visit and work with our children and teachers will continue which is life changing for everyone who visits. Our trek is an amazing experience of itself and a way we can raise much needed funds. We are planning to visit again and do the 35K Trek in October 2019 if we have some people interested. The team who visited and did the Trek last October had an amazing experience and you can to so if you are interested please get in touch and we will give you more details.
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